Library News

Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship
Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship

Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship

The Whitewater Region Public Library is now accepting applications for the Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship.  There are two $500.00 scholarships to be awarded to eliglibe post-secondary students.  Applications are due by May 31, 2025.  Applications are available on-line or at your local branch.

Seed Starting Workshop for Beginners

Join us at the Beachburg Branch (20 Cameron Drive, Beachburg) for our Seed Starting Workshop for Beginners on Saturday, March 8th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.  There will be information on tips and tools, how to choose seeds, proper light and water and potting and up-potting plants.

March Break Activities

Join us during March Break for our activities
Tuesday, March 11th - Beachburg Branch - 1:00-2:30 pm - StoryTime, Games and Jewelry Making
Thursday, March 18th - Cobden Branch - 1:00-2:30 pm - StoryTime, Games and Playdough Making

Registration is required.  Please email to registe

After School Clubs

Our After School Clubs will be held on Tuesdays in Beachburg and Thursdays in Cobden from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  Join us for games, crafts and activities.  Please note that children under 12 need to be supervised.

Books and Banter Book Club!

Join us the first Tuesday of every month at the Beachburg branch for an evening discussing all things books!  Bring a book you're currently reading or any book that you love!  The time is 6:00 to 7:30 pm.  Coffee and tea will be provided.  

On-Line Book Club!
Join us the first Thursday of every month on Zoom for our on-line book club hosted by Library Board Member Mary Clark.  The meetings will begin at 7:00 pm on Zoom.  Please email to register for the club.

Whitewater Region Public Library is Looking For Some Friends!

Do you have a few hours to spare a month?  You could help our library thrive by volunteering for programming and events for children and adults.  Give as little or as much time as you like.  Any contribution is appreciated.  For more information please contact Debbi McLaughlin at or 613-646-7592.