A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool to facilitate revitalization, redevelopment and beautification in defined areas of the Township through financial incentives, including grants and/or loans for private property improvements. The Township of Whitewater Region has approved two phases of their own local Community Improvement Plan which allows for grants within the Townships Villages and Hamlets as well as the Rural and Agriculture Areas.
Phase 1 of the CIP applies to the redevelopment and improvements of businesses and the primary corridors (fronting on a County Road/Highway 17) throughout the Township.
Programs for the CIP Phase 1 inlcude:
Phase 2 of the CIP is directed towards programs which improve water, shorelines and waterfront quality, septic system remediation and value-added agricultural uses.
Programs for the CIP Phase 2 include:
Interested individuals are encouraged to set up a pre-application consultation meeting with the Planner/Economic Development Officer in order to discuss your project eligibility, application requirements, scope of work, project timing and to obtain assistance for filling out the application form.