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Fireworks Permit
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Burn Permit
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Music in the Park - Just Country
September 12th 2021
Live music featuring Just Country at Veterans Memorial Park 2-4pm
46 notices
see all
2025 Freshet Monitoring
Volunteer Appreciation Award Nominations
Spring Load Restrictions
Tenders & RFPs
Boil Water Advisory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Easter extravaganza - Cobden
Pancake Breakfast by Cobden Curling Club
Adam Fieldhouse Live at Whitewater Brewing Co. Lakeside
St. Patrick's Day Brunch
A Hop-pay Haley's Easter
Newfie Nite
Lonesome Dreamers
The 15th Annual Leprechaun Trivia Night
Come Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Whitewater Seniors
Whitewater Historical Society
Westmeath Winter Carnival
Westmeath Winter Carnival
Westmeath Winter Carnival
Westmeath Winter Carnival
Whitewater Historical Society Monthly Meeting
Coffee House and Live Music
Coffee House and Live Music
Cobden Legion Food Nite
Cobden Legion Food Nite
Cobden Legion Food Nite
Cobden Legion Food Nite
Foresters Falls 2025 Winter Carnival
Family Bingo
Cobden Civitan Club's Annual Ice Fishing Derby
Pub Night
January Soup Lunch
Bonnechere River Band
Spaghetti Supper
Cobden Legion Breakfast
Cobden Legion Breakfast
Cobden Legion Breakfast
Cobden Legion Breakfast
Breakfast Buffet
Whitewater Historical Society AGM
Hospice Renfrew's Volunteer Open House
January Full moon Snowshoe
Holiday Family Skate
Christmas Concert by The Lakeside Community Chorus
Smokey Sundaze
Community Christmas Dinner
Christmas In Haley's
Kids Christmas Shop
St. Andrew's School Craft Fair
Christmas Night In the Village
Good Food Box
Planning for the Future, End of Life Options, and Grief
Dirty ( but not to dirty ) Bingo
Jingle and Mingle Christmas Market
Youth Shinny Hockey - Westmeath Arena
Westmeath Christmas Tree Lighting
Resource Fair
Winter Wonderland in Whitewater
Winter Wonderland in Whitewater
Yesterday and Tomorrow, The Tradition Continues
How the Feckin' Ottawa Valley Irish Speak English
A Haunted Haley's Eve
The WDRA Halloween Costume Party
Ways & Means Fall Dance
Take Back the Night
Weekly Trail Walking Group
Open Jam Session at the Cobden Legion
6 Hand Euchre at the Cobden Legion
Bingo at the Cobden Legion
Darts at the Cobden Legion
Whitewater Gardeners informative session and meeting
Cobden's Terry Fox Run at Splash Valley
Heartbeat of the Valley
Sudden Impact: The Almonte Train Wreck of 1942
Whitewater Historical Society End of Season BBQ
17th Annual Victim Services Golf Tournament
Buffet Breakfast
BBQ Every Saturday
Cobden Farmer's Market
TimeSavers Frozen Meal Taste Test
Meditative Sound Bath
Meditative Sound Bath
Chair & Standing Yoga
Chair & Standing Yoga
Chair & Standing Yoga
Chair & Standing Yoga
Chair & Standing Yoga
Chair & Standing Yoga
Valley G Notes Music Group
Valley G Notes Music Group
Valley G Notes Music Group
Tech Cafe
Cobden & Beachburg Curbside Fundraising Dinner
Cobden & Beachburg Curbside Fundraising Dinner
Basic First Aid (No Certification/No Test)
Learn About Reiki
Dementia Prevention
Simple Adaptations to Support Aging at Home
Designing your Farewell - Funeral Arrangements
Are We There Yet?
Ross Museum BBQ
The Ottawa’s History - A Paddler’s Journey
The Ottawa’s History - A Paddler’s Journey
Pioneer Day - Ross Museum
Kids Fun Day - Ross Museum 10 a.m. to noon
Ross Museum - End of Season BBQ
4 Hand & 6 Hand Euchre Tournaments
Buffet Breakfast at the Oaks of Cobden Golf Course
Buffet Breakfast at the Oaks of Cobden Golf Course
1st Annual Auto Show Fundraiser at the Beachburg Fairgrounds
Cobden Curling Club 9N' Dine
Community Euchre Nights
Euchre Tournaments at the Cobden Legion
St. Michael's Parish Fundraiser Dance
Ross Museum Art Show
Cobden Fair
Let's Talk About Dementia
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Ross Museum Plant Sale
Strawberry Tea at Ross Museum
Renfrew Victoria Hospital Canada Day Bake Sale and Strawberry Shortcake
Nurturing The Caregiver
Music in the Park with Franny and the Boomers
Music in the Park
Ottawa Valley History in Song
Mayor's Breakfast
Tech Cafe - Coffee -Chat
Tech Cafe - Coffee - Chat
Tech Cafe - Coffee - Chat
Line Dancing
Music in the Park 2-4pm
Beachburg Lions Club annual Golf Tournament
Beachburg Annual Community Yard Sale
St. Andrew's United Church Spring Concert
Mother's Day Brunch
Music in the Part 6:30
Music in the Park 2:00 pm start
Car Rally & Poker Run
Whitewater Region Library Book Giveaway
Trail Walking Group
Building and Planning Open House
Trivia Night at the Cobden Legion hosted by Whitewater Region Public Library
Spring Fashion Show Fundraiser for Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxilliary
Westmeath Community Yard Sale and Big Buffet breakfast
Open Mic Coffee House
Euchre and Darts
Euchre and Darts
Euchre and Darts
Euchre and Darts
Moms Prom
Westmeath Art in the Park
Westmeath Sportsfest
Cobden Minor Ball Registration
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Trivia Night at the Cobden Legion
Riverview Seniors’Social Club General Membership Meeting
An Hour with Spiderman and Elsa
Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 am
St. Patrick's Day Stew Dinner with Darts and Euchre
Minor Ball in Westmeath
Easter Egg Hunt
AGM for the WDRA
It's a BLOOMIN' Craft Show
iPad Clinic/Coffee/Chat
Whitewater Historical Society Meeting
Whitewater Historical Society Meeting
Whitewater Historical Society Meeting
Friendly Visiting Volunteer Orientation
Seniors St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Resource Clinic
Resource Clinic
Resource Clinic
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Music in the Park Cobden
Meals on Wheels
Annual Westmeath and District Golf Tournament
Crokinole Party - St. Andrew's United Church
Curbside Fundraiser
Intro. to Line Dancing
Tour de Whitewater
Tour de Whitewater
Westmeath Tween Dance
Seniors Active Living Fair
Grief Support Group for Mothers
Missing Link Snowmobile Club Poker Run
Make your own turkey pot pie
Surviving the Holidays
Surviving The Holidays
Christmas in the Village - Holiday Market - Beachburg
For Those Who Fought For Freedom
Yesterday and Today, The Tradition Continues
Fireworks in Beachburg
Beachburg Christmas Parade
Kids Halloween
Fall Festival
Cooking Together- Weekday Edition
Cooking Together- Weekday Edition
Cooking Together- Weekday Edition
Cooking Together- Weekday Edition
Broken Hearts Club
Broken Hearts Club
Broken Hearts Club
Broken Hearts Club
Nurturing the Caregiver Workshops
Nurturing the Caregiver Workshop
Nurturing the Caregiver Workshop
Supporting Grieving Children - An Education Day for Community Professionals
Books & Banter Book Club
Online Book Club
Used Book Sale
Used Book Sale
Books @ Banter Book Club
Ottawa Valley Makers (FREE)
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Ottawa Valley Makers
Arnprior to Australia and Beyond: Frank Grace's Life in Lacrosse
Cobden Agricultural Society ATV Poker Run
Music in the Park 6:30 start time
Music in the Park 6:30 start time
Music in the Park 6:30 start time
Music in the Park 6:30 start time
Music in the Park 6:30 start time
Music in the Park 6:00 start time
Music in the Park 2:00 start time
Music in the Park 2:00 start time
Music in the Park 7:00 start time
TD Summer Reading Club with Whitewater Region Public Library
TD Summer Reading Club with Whitewater Region Public Library
TD Summer Reading Club with Whitewater Region Public Library
Debbie Byce is Retiring!
The Settlement at the Third Chute
Seniors Home Support & Active Living Working Group
Yoga in the Park
Canada Day in Cobden
9 and Dine fundraiser for the School PlayGroud
Music in the Park with the Town LIners
Music in the Park 6pm-8pm
Music In the Park. 6:30
Kids Fun Food Literacy Club at Cobden Library
Kids Fun Food Literacy Club at Cobden Library
Kids Fun Food Literacy Club
Kids Fun Food Literacy Club
Westmeath Union Cemetery Decoration Day
Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship
Barbara MacWha Memorial Scholarship
Whitewater Region Public Library - SUMMER FAMILY FUN FEST
The Fenians and the Origins of the Canadian Spy Service
Cobden Farmers Market Opening Weekend.
Annual General Meeting for the Westmeath Recreation Association
Westmeath and District Recreation Association Annual Golf Tournament
An Afternoon of Song
Easter Craftshow
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Superhero Academy - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Craft Day - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Snow Day - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Storytime - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Storytime - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Nature Hike - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Craft Activity - March Break with Whitewater Region Public Library
Cobden Curling Club Breakfast Fundraiser
Beachburg Fair
Beachburg Fair
Beachburg Fair
Beachburg Fair
Earl's World: Great Canadian Culinary Adventures
Winter Family Fun Fest
Cobden Legion Monday Night Bingo
Earl's World: Great Canadian Culinary Adventures with Robin Renaud
The 1917 Election: A Campaign of Surprise & Foreboding
Fall on Main
All Candidates Meeting
Country Gospel Concert
Osceola: A Stroll Back Through Time
The Great Hunger and Irish Immigration
Reflections - The Past, Present and Future of The Eganville Leader
Victim Services of Renfrew County 15th Annual Golf Tournament
The Ottawa Valley Through Musica
Westmeath Union Cemetery Decoration Service
JUNE 17-19, 2022 B101 OR BUST! Pakkotinna Trail Event
Parking Lot Party
Hydrant Flushing Cobden
Hydrant Flushing Beachburg
Fall Hazardous Waste Event
Music in the Park - Alan Wright & Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park - Alan Wright & Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park - Dai Bassett & Elvis
Music in the Park - Rick Leben & Low Mileage Band
Music in the Park - Country Classics
Music in the Park - Just Country
Music in the Park - Cari & Friends
Music in the Park - Cari & Friends
Music in the Park - Cari & Friends
Cobden Senior's Meeting
Cobden Legion Golf Tournament
Music in the Park - Alan Wright & Pierre DesMarais
Music in the Park - The Country Classics
Music in the Park - The Country Classics
Music in the Park - The Country Classics
Music in the Park - Marc Audet
Music in the Park - Marc Audet
Music in the Park - David & Daniella Bell
Music in the Park - Dai Bassett
Music in the Park - Dai Bassett
Music in the Park - Alan Wright
Patsy Moore Plaque Unveiling @ 6pm
Music in the Park - July 4th 2-4pm
Veterans Memorial Park Church Services
Public Skating February 15, 2021 330-430pm
Public Skating February 12, 2021 @ 2-3pm Cobden Arena
Olmstead-Jeffrey Lake Road Rehabilitation
Thanksgiving Pie Sale
Music in the Park - Khloe Bertrand
Music in the Park with The Country Classics
Music in the Park with The Country Classics
Music in the Park - September 20
Family & Children Hosting Free Workshops for Renfrew County Kids
Music in the Park September 12
Music in the Park September 5th
Music in the Park - September 6
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Music in the Park
Presbyterian Church Service @ 10am
Presbyterian Church Service @ 10am
Presbyterian Church Service @ 10am
Free Public Skate and Bingo
Whitewater Region Municipal Office Closed
38th Annual Beachburg Santa Claus Parade of Lights
5th Annual WDRA Christmas Tree Lighting
WDRA Santa Claus Parade
Cobden Recreation Association Christmas Tree Lighting
Cobden Santa Claus Parade
Music in the Park @ 630pm Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park @ 6pm Steven Williams & Alan Wright
Music in the Park @ 2pm Cari Schauer & Friends
Meet the Candidates Breakfast
Municipal Candidates Meeting
Cobden Legion's Annual 4 Person Scramble Golf Tournament
The Ross Rhythm at Ross Museum
Taste of the Valley
Music in the Park 2-4pm Me & Fil
Cobden Fair
Beachburg Fair
Music in the Park - 630-830pm Lois Estelle G. "Starting Over" Summer Series
Music in the Park - 2-4pm Dai Bassett
Music in the Park - 630-830pm Rookie Country and Friends
Music in the Park - 2-4pm Bob Schwartz
Music in the Park - 2-4pm Franni & the Boomers
Music in the Park 2-4pm featuring Steven Williams
Music in the Park - 630-830pm
Ms. April's Music Studio Year End Recital 6-8pm
Music in the Park 630-830pm featuring Pierre DesMarals
Music in the Park 630-830pm featuring Clarence Cole
Music in the Park 7-9pm featuring Alan Wright & Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park 630-830pm featuring Jane Lafont
Music in the Park 2-4pm with Khloe Bertrand and Steve Agnew
Music in the Park 2-4pm featuring Alan Wright and Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park 630-830pm with Lois Goldberg
Music in the Park 630-830pm with Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park 2-4pm
Music in the Park with Alan Wright & Spencer Scharf
Music in the Park - 2-4pm
Music in the Park - 2-4pm
Music in the Park 630-830pm