Draft Sewer-Use By-Law

The Townships sewer by-law was last updated in 2013.  There have been significant changes to the Cobden storm water and wastewater treatment systems since this time and the existing Sewer By-law does not provide the controls necessary to protect these valuable assets.  As such the Township of Whitewater Region has drafted an updated Sewer-Use By-law to address these issues and ensure the systems continued operation for years to come.  The proposed By-law is intended to communicate clear limits to users of the sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems regarding appropriate sewer uses and allowable discharge limits.


The proposed By-law was initially presented to Council at the regular meeting of Council on December 4, 2024.  A copy of the corresponding staff report can be found in the agenda for this meeting at the link here: December 4, 2025 - Council Meeting Agenda


The Township is now seeking feedback from local residents and businesses on the proposed By-law.   


A copy of the Draft Sewer-Use By-law is available by clicking here.


All comments on the Sewer-Use By-law must be provided to the Township no later than 4:00pm on March 19, 2025, in order for these comments to be considered prior to adoption of the By-law.  Comments received will be consolidated and provided to Council for consideration.  A report on the comments received from residents, businesses and members of Council is scheduled for the regular meeting of Council on April 2, 2025.

We welcome feedback from local members of the public and commercial and industrial businesses that utilize the Cobden wastewater system. Formal comments on the proposed Sewer-Use By-law should be directed by email to Superintendent Nicholson at dnicholson@whitewaterregion.ca.  


Please contact Deanna Nicholson, Environmental Services Superintendent, by either phone (613-646-2282 ext. 127) or email for any questions you may have on the proposed Sewer-Use By-law.