1. Development Charges By-law Review
In July 2019, the Township awarded the preparation of the Development Charges Study to Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson). Development Charges (D.C.) provide for the recovery of growth-related capital expenditures from new development and the Development Charges Act (D.C.A.) is the statutory basis to recover these charges.
Development Charges (DC) are a one-time fee levied by municipalities on new residential and non-residential development to help pay for a portion of the growth-related capital infrastructure requirements. Development charges are determined and accounted for by type of service component including:
-Highway Services -Fire Protection Services -Recreation Services -Library Services
-Administration -Waste Diversion -Water and Wastewater Services
Find above the Council reports that have been presented to date and a copy of the Development Charges Background Study prepared in accordance with the methodology required under the D.C.A.
1. Recreational Vehicles
Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitewater Region passed By-law No. 19-11-1224 on the 20th day of November 2019 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, as amended.
The subject lands include the portions of those lands which form part of Zoning By-law No. 98-13 of the former Township of Westmeath and Zoning By-law No. 23-92 of the former Township of Ross.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to modify and add applicable provisions to the Westmeath and Ross Zoning By-laws to permit:
Council concurrently adopted Recreational Vehicle Licensing By-law No. 19-11-1225 in accordance with Section 164 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25. Both by-laws are available for viewing above:
2. Village and Hamlet Growth Study
In September 2019, the Township awarded the preparation of the Village and Hamlet Growth Study to WSP Canada Group Ltd. (WSP) in order to examine population and employment projections, infrastructure and public service facilities, physical constraints, prime agricultural areas, impacts on existing agricultural operations (MDS) and other cross-jurisdiction issues to determine the best and most efficient location to direct growth within the Townships Villages and Hamlets.
Find above the final Village and Hamlet Growth Study Report.